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Stray or injured pet safety and protection rescue pack


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SKU: 1198 Categories: ,

Stray pet collection kit

All profits from sales on these auctions go to help fund the feeding & veterinary care for the rescue bunnies at: 

The Bluey & Alice Bunny Refuge Inc., which is a Registered Charity with the Australia Charities & not-for-Profits Commission A.B.N 18 108 145 943 

After a sad incident where a pet bunny owner answered a call to help collect loose baby bunnies I decided this was something very much needed by more than pet bunny owners.

The incident involved a young bunny owner collecting baby buns that had escaped & unknowingly accepted poor advice about how long & how to quarantine these bunnies for in order to protect her bunnies.

These babies all had Myxomatosis, an incurable virus that will kill almost all pet bunnies.

This kit could be used for any stray animal as you never know if a dog has Parvo or a cat has Cat flu.

It also works for Guinea pigs, & birds, so if you come across astray injured animal you can protect yourself & any pets you may have at home.

The other animals it may help with are smaller native animals that you may find injured.

I would suggest throwing an old towel in as well that you won’t mind throwing away afterwards.

This kit contains:

  • 1) NOT SUPPLIED A cardboard box to keep the stray or injured animal in
    2)   2 x puppy training pad to line the base of the box to try to help stop seepage
    3)   A disposable body suit to protect your clothes from picking any virus that may be present & from blood etc.
    4)   Waterproof overshoes, that may also be used to protect your shoes should disease not be an issue
    5)   2 x pairs of latex & powder free examination gloves
    6)   2 x Vet grade disinfectant wipes
    7)   A 10ml bottle of F10 disinfectant to be diluted into your own 500ml capacity spray bottle. (5ml to 500ml water)
Weight 3 kg
Dimensions 30 × 20 × 30 cm