Lizas Floral Forage


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Liza’s floral forage has no hay filler, its just purely bunny safe flowers. Totally safe for any type of diet as there is nothing sweet but it is rather high in Calcium so use as a topper sparingly or add to oaten chaff as a forage.


Named after Liza, Eliza’s special little girl who looks so like her beautiful mum. Liza & Rupert were rejected by their mum Eliza at just 2 weeks old. We found all 5 of Eliza’s babies cold & lifeless one morning. One had already passed; we lost 2 more while tying to revive them. Roo & Liza came through so they are our little miracles. Their beautiful mum went straight in for desexing but unfortunately passed away 2 weeks later from a blood clot. Given the history it isn’t surprising so we have been extra careful with her babies and are doing everything in our power to try to prevent Liza from the same fate. A sad result from over breeding. Bugsy came into their little lives to teach them to eat & now they are happy hanging out as resident bar bunnies. Can you blame me for not being able to let them go?

Weight 0.1 kg
Dimensions 20 × 10 × 5 cm